陶慧芳 发表于 2021-7-9 10:26:53


Many night we've prayed 许多个夜晚我们祈祷 With no proof anyone could hear 不能证明谁能听得到 In our heart a hopeful song 我们心中响起希望之歌 we barely understood 我们并不明了 Now we are not afraid 而如今我们不再害怕 Although we know there's much to fear 虽然我们知道有太多事情让我们恐惧 We were moving the mountian long 我们能够移动高山 Before we knew we could 我们之前却不知道 There can be miracles 奇迹必定发生 When you belive 当你心存相信 Though hope is frail 尽管希望如此脆弱 It's hard to kill 但也不能轻易扑灭 Who knows what miracles 谁知道什么样的奇迹 You can achieve 你可以做到
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查看完整版本: 心存相信