孙雪晴 发表于 2017-3-31 20:48:38


  2017年考研进行得如火如荼,此次英语二考的大作文是曲线图,虽然以往没有考过这类型的图表,但是难度并不大。  这种图形写作与2010、2011所考的柱状图写法有很大相似之处,都是有关一定时间段内数量变化的类型,可以说是换汤不换药。该图表涉及内容是参观博物馆的人数变化数据,关键词也不难写,故此从难度上看,属于中低难度。  图中的关键词,博物馆(museum)是中学词汇,有基础能力的同学可以相对轻松把握;博物馆参观者用简单的visitors即可;至于图表中的数字是十万,6378个十万即6.378 billion.  范文如下:  The statistics about museums and their visitors are precisely illustrated by the line chart. During the 3 years from 2013 to 2015, the figure of museums experienced a gradual rise, and soaring from 4.145 thousand to 4.692 thousand. Besides, following the same tendency, the number of museum visitors, as is shown, ascended gradually from 6.378 billion to 7.811 billion, increasing by about 1.43 billion.  The following factors, from my perspective, are responsible for the statistics. To begin with, aside from disseminating knowledge in schools, department concerned adopts other ways to promote the comprehensive quality of Chinese citizens, for instance providing more access to museums is a simple yet effective way to broaden visitors’ horizon. In addition, having been experiencing the unparalleled material prosperity, most of Chinese citizens intend to pursue knowledge by visiting museums, tourist attractions and other places. Moreover, museums, which are supported by public funding, provide visitors with knowledge and professional service. Individuals, therefore, are inclined to enjoy their leisure time by visiting museums.  To summarize, the data shown by the chart objectively reflect what’s happening in our society. Museums undoubtedly exert indispensible effects on our society and Chinese citizens, and it is predictable that, in the next decade, both large cities and small towns will witness the popularization of museums.

李宝琪 发表于 2017-3-31 21:56:53

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